The role of an artificial intelligence specialist in shaping the future of humanity

The concept of Artificial intelligence specialist has existed together with Artificial intelligence(AI), recently, the field of AI-Specialist has taken a more sophisticated approach with the sudden awareness of AI.  

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by a machine(s) which semblance natural human intelligence. 

Therefore, for these machines to be described as mimicking the human cognitive functions, serious coding must take place in the machine(s)

Artificial intelligence specialists are tasked with programming the computer or machine(s) to comprehend or think, predict and make informed decisions based on available data.

Making decisions like these requires ample and high processing speed and power. 

Machines have become 4x times faster because of the sudden boost in processing power of quantum computing. 

Machines are now capable of making performing some human cognitive functions such as voice and facial recognition. 

The AI-specialist helps the computer to determine in details or scrutinize the quintillion bytes of data it has to make decisions. 

Ultimately, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) are as a result of careful and intelligent programming by  AI-Specialist in the filed.

These careful programming has left us with the question "What Exactly is Artificial Intelligence?"

How to become an AI specialist

My mission is to make its members AI-specialist. 

And to become an Artificial Intelligence Specialist, you need to at least have a degree in computer science or cognitive science, psychology, anthropology and philosophy and a strong background in programming or system analysis. 

Typical coursework course study of 

  • Knowledge of mathematics which includes probability, statistics, algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms.
  • Bayesian networking or graphical modelling, neural nets.
  • Physics, engineering and robotics.
  • Computer science programming languages like Python, and good coding skills.
It also means that an AI specialist must possess some of if not all, the below listed important qualities for becoming an AI-Specialist;

Analytical skills;

Artificial Intelligence Specialist greatest weapon in the field is their ability to systematically analyze data and information when training a machine, or writing programs for the computer. 

These give them an edge when creating programs to help the machine(s) process more data to give a better result.

Creative skills;

Creativity is the element that distinguishes man from machines. 

AI-specialists are advised to think outside the box, Implement new approach, and new technologies

By evaluating existing computer training materials, data and methods, the specialist can quickly create algorithms that can adapt. 

Good use and command of programming languages;

It is a pity to see a computer scientist in Nigeria that can’t write a simple program to compute the summation of integers. 

I assume that this problem may be particular to Nigeria, unfortunately, it is not. 

Deciding who should be your artificial intelligence specialist is trickier for your company, such an individual should be tested to see if he/she comes as advertised. 

The role of an artificial intelligence specialist

AI-Specialist performs diverse roles in making the computer smart

One role for an AI specialist is to program computers to comprehend a series of situations and test hypotheses in relation to how the human mind. 

The AI-Specialist helps the machine or computer to simulate the human cognitive functions.

Majority of AI-specialist works with applied artificial intelligence for the purpose of making the computer smarter, ranging from simple voice recognition to paving way for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

The specialist relentless efforts have already paid off in Medicine, Agriculture, transportation, and also have the potential of spanning into sectors like Predictive analytics. 

When pursuing artificial intelligence, one should do so with the intent of becoming a specialist.

Is AI a good career to pursue?

Careers in artificial intelligence have grown exponentially because the demand for AI skills has triple in the last three years.

Employer demand for AI positions and skills has more than doubled over the past three years, the report found, and the number of AI-related job postings as a share of all job posting is up 119%

Credited: tecrepublic 

The goal of Career in artificial intelligence is to developed expert and smart systems that can help business tycoons make informed decisions, doctors to make an accurate diagnosis of illness, locate natural resources, provision of good governance and make data available for use.

Maintaining a creative and analytic mindset when developing and integrating expert systems can be the key to success in AI.

In my educated opinion, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a good career that one needs to pursue!

How  AI-specialist can help in shaping the future?

In the future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may take over most of the jobs as we know it

Without a doubt, AI products are slowly infiltrating our homes and workplace and the pending dangers of AI singularity still linger.

We stand on the edge of a crucial moment in the history of our species-a time when the creation of our own inventiveness has the potential to change everything. For some, it will be humanity’s salvation, while for others, it could be our downfall. We are entering the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Credited: bbc 

While all these are valid and evident, AI-specialists are readily and tirelessly improving the grip on the sentient anthropomorphic future by doing anything, everything they could!

AI-Specialist has already made great advances in self-driving cars, more integrations of AI technology in our daily lives and more sophisticated systems where humans can become Cyborgs in the future.

 It is no secrets that there are prosthetics that gives people superhuman skills and enhanced strength

These advancements are as a result of AI-technologies. And AI-Specialists’ is leading the revolution of artificial intelligence

On A Final Note

The development and integration of expert systems enable computers to make specific judgment and give advice to users by incorporating human expertise. 

These systems are designed and integrated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist works on systems that not only gather information but formulate decisions and act on that information in semblance to human thought.

With more advances in the field of artificial intelligence, it is possible in the near future for computers to speak clearly, respond accurately and become fully integrated into every aspect of life at an operational low-cost. 


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